Thursday, 5 July 2012

Maliyo - African Gaming Industry

African traffic is itself a test of survival. The hours spent (which on a good day can be between 1 -2 hours) in the confines of a car, train or in a bus are usually considered wasted hours. This leads me to introducing Maliyo, an African gaming company which has decided to step in to fill the gap in the continent’s gaming market and your journey home. These guys have great aspirations and are hoping to be at least bigger than Zynga and who knows, looking at the current potential in the African gaming market, the opportunities are vast.

Check out their recent interview on ABNdigital to find out more.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

"It's Possible" - At times you just need to hear those words.

If there was a guy I would love to have coffee with and pick his brain, Juliani would be at the top of my list. He has always been an inspiration to me and for him, as a rapper, to be talking about climate change just made me love him even more. His energy is electric and as one of Kenya’s most well known artists, he still appears to be a humble guy who gives back to his community. Check out his new documentary on a recent road trip he took with fans.
+JULIANI - The Roadtrip from Studio Ang on Vimeo.